Thursday, January 6, 2011


I've been sick since Christmas. I can't seem to shake it. Being pregnant is nice and get an awesome human being out of it, but most of the time it is not fun. I would have loved to have popped 257 NyQuils last night, but no dice. I stuck with heading over to Casey's at 2 am when my ear ache got so bad I couldn't sleep. Thankfully it took the pain away, and it is still pain-free, I just wish it wasn't so clogged. I feel like i"m deaf in my left ear. The nasal congestion on top of it is so not fun along with the dry heaving in the middle of the night.

Emery seems like she doesn't feel so well this morning. I think we've done pretty well not sharing the bug, but her poor nose has started dripping and I've heard a sad mucus-y cough come from her. Poor baby. Hope the Tylenol works as well for her as it did for my ear!!

In other news, we LOVE Mt Vernon. It was a great move for us and our family. We love the small town and the people in it. Ryan has fit right in here and is really loving his job completely, I think, for the first time in 9 years. This is truly a really great church family.

We also have some good news on our house. I think it will be a rent-to-own situation, but that pays the mortgage and utilities. AND our nice remolded house won't be sitting empty! God has continual provided for us in this area! He is so good!

For free:

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