Tuesday, February 8, 2011

...And NOTHING happens!!

So we are about halfway, maybe a little more into Season 1 (Lost). And the first few episodes were really intriguing...but I've noticed that several episodes go by and NOTHING happens! It's like a soap for nighttime viewers. Granted, we're still watching, because really, we want to know what happens and how there can be so many seasons. At this point we're not giving up.

This week is also week 30. I am so over being pregnant, but 10 weeks sounds so close. We're really on the homestretch now. With that, I am getting concerned/stressed about Emery not even interested in potty training and also moving her to a real bed. I lovelovelove the crib now because even if she doesn't fall asleep during nap time, she at least is in her crib resting. I don't know too much about potty training, but I do know that I'm going to start gathering info on it. I also know that it's really futile until she wants to do it.

I have nothing else new to say.


  1. I love the new look! Nothing happens in Lost for, like, the first three seasons. Just more and more questions. If Emery (and you) love the crib, have you just considered just borrowing/purchase a cheap used crib for the new baby to keep things simple? I totally would have done that had Jackson not crawled out of the crib every night. I so wish I had a place for him to be "trapped" sometimes! :) And if Emery likes Elmo, he has a good DVD about potty training.

  2. I have thought about a second crib, I'm just not sure...I want her to feel like a big girl when the new baby comes.
    Emery has also never experienced Elmo (we don't have cable or anything), but I bet she'd like him. I'll look into that dvd. Thanks, Amy!

  3. My advice about the crib would be to get another cheap one also. You will make her feel like a big girl in lots of other ways but don't forget that she will still want to hold onto her own 'babyness' in ways too. If you change too much it'll backfire on you. If she is content in the crib, I wouldn't move her just because of the baby.
    Also would not push potty training. You'll just have setbacks when baby is born. Diapers for two is not horrible (not great, but you know...) and you'll have a much easier time if she's interested. Try talking to her now and definitely when baby comes about how babies wear diapers ("we're buying some diapers for the baby so we're ready when she's born because babies wear diapers" OR "I'm going to change baby's diaper because she's a baby and babies wear diapers") She might start thinking she wants to be that big girl and not wear diapers anymore.

  4. Thanks for the suggestions Elizabeth!
