*How far along?: 34 weeks
*How big is your baby?: Approx. 4.7 pounds
*Total weight gain?: 7 pounds
*Sex: Girl
*Maternity clothes: I was lucky enough to wear regular pants until week 19, but now I just wear the same things...I can wear my normal shirts (with some stretching, obviously), but I want to take advantage of the few maternity clothes I have. Maternity clothes are way too expensive.
*Stretch marks: None so far!
*Movement: She is a tickler. She does a lot of kicking to my right side.
*Sleep: Same as always...my head hits the pillow and I'm out. I get up a few times a night to pee, but go right back to sleep. I also don't sleep with any extra pillows or anything. They keep me awake.
*Best moment this week: Not really sure, but we're almost there.
*Food cravings: Milk
*Labor signs: None
*Belly button in or out: If I had a lent problem, this would be the best time to resolve it. My "outie" kinda creeps Ryan out.
*What I miss: Playing with Emery without limitations...she really likes to run and crazy-dance. I am also a stomach sleeper.
*What I'm looking forward to: Having my body be mine again! (Although I am thrilled to have this little baby girl...she's just crampin' my style!)
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