Friday, July 23, 2010


For the past few months, Emery has been counting, but only to 3. Lately, though, she's been going to 6, although half the time she skips 5.

Tonight she was looking at a bucket that had 10 fish on it and she started counting; to 6, skipping 5, then she stopped and said, "Where's 5?" Then she said 8, 9, 10. She's really getting the hang of this whole talking thing and everyday it gets better and better. I can understand what she's asking for which really cuts back on the amount of time the refrigerator door is open while she shows me what it is she wants.

I'm really debating about getting her hair cut. She has those amazing curls in the back that I really want to show off, but the top layer of hair is mildly wavy. I'm thinking a trim and maybe some bangs?! I don't know. I have hair issues myself so trying to figure out what to do with my kid's hair is not so easy.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Shaving Cream War

Tonight at church we had a shaving cream war. It was incredibly tame compared to the last one we were involved in, but super fun none the less.

Monday, July 19, 2010


So we moved to Texas. It has been a great change of scenery with a great change of people. The upgrade in the amount of people is awesome, not to mention the upgrade of places to eat! So far I don't miss Missouri. I do miss my parents and I can see myself missing the Ozarks sometime in the future. Emery has done so well with all the transitioning we've been doing, from the new house, new nursery, traveling to camp, then KC then back home again. She is a real trooper.

I guess I don't really have a ton to say...Transition here has been spectacular so far. The church has been so welcoming and gracious enough to pay our house payment last month for the house that hasn't sold in Chilli. Please be in continual prayer that it will sell!