Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Bad At This

I am such a bad blogger. I like to read everyone else's then I get inspired to post something, then I don't. Well, I am today.

We're moving tomorrow. We found a much newer, much nicer rental, and we jumped on it. There are few choices in town and since we can't buy (because, yes, we still own our house in Chilli) we decided we might as well get into something better.

Eladie is almost crawling. She just has to get her arms and legs going together. She's got the rocking down. It will be very soon. And then my house will really be a mad house. I can't wait.

Emery is working on writing the ABCs. She is so smart and I love every little funny thing she says. That girl is super creative. Playdough is one of her favorite things to play with.

Thursday (as we all know) is Thanksgiving. Seven years ago, tomorrow, Ryan asked me to marry him. I am so thankful God put us together! He knows us better than we know ourselves! We have truly been blessed in our marriage.

Eladie is waking up so this is all for now.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Our Lives

Well, it's been a while.
Eladie is growing so fast. When we took her in for her 4 month check-up, she was in the 100 percentile for weight. She's also sporting 12 month clothes most of the time. She's also consistently rolling over whenever we put her down and she's doing less shrieking and more yelling with her "kid voice." She sleeps from 8pm to 8am (sometimes later) and takes only 1 really long nap a day. Occasionally she'll take a short evening nap.

Emery also growing so fast! Her 3rd birthday is right around the corner. She got a Puggles shirt this year to wear at AWANAs. I'm so proud. Unfortunately, she's decided that napping isn't something she wants to do and will keep herself up no matter how tired or cranky she is. It's kinda annoying. Usually I can get her to lay down with me for an hour or so, but that's it. I guess it's better than nothing. She has also mastered the "th" sound and it makes her sound so grown up.

Ryan is still LOVING his job here in the Vern. I think this is one of those places that the longer we're here, the more we love it. He is working so hard on the Student Ministry at First and has got some cool things set up. I think for the first time Youth Leadership Team is actually going to work. I'm super pumped about it and the students involved seem to really like it so far. They're taking an active roll in planning and executing Wednesday nights and other events. Student Bible Fellowship (Sunday School) starts up again in Sept. and personally, I can't wait. It was nice having Ryan give us the summer off, but I'm ready to have my girls back on Sunday mornings!!

Well, I fit into my bridesmaid dress with no problem and I ran my first 5k, no problem. I'm still running 3 days a week with a group of girls from around town and our next race is the 4 mile race at the kc zoo. I'm really looking forward to it. It's been really great having this time set out to run. I think I'm going to add another day, because it's addicting! I am also helping to coach a soccer team in town. I am so excited about it. I spent some time last week helping 2 kids, giving them stuff to work on at home. The first practice is tonight and I'm not expecting excellence, I'm expecting to come and help them learn. I don't even care about being "the coach". I just want to help kids learn the game and gain skills.

I will end with something funny Emery said that I can't stop chuckling about:
A few days ago she comes to get me up in the morning and says, "I fell out of my bed. I yelled, MOMMY but you didn't hear me. Chocolate milk, please?"

Monday, June 20, 2011

Photo Update

The face of a girl hard at play!

Playing in the pool on Wednesday night during Overtime.

Watching the kids playing their games

Participating this time

Plug the holes!

What's gonna work? TEAMWORK!

She has LOTS of friends. 

Eladie Mae in her exersaucer!

 I dig the snow boots

"But I want to get in here..."

Cute baby!

Bumbo time!

Lounging. Whatta rock star.

Too cold!

El and I so sad.

El and I regular

The three Mac girls. Emery has a hard time cooperating.

Daddy and Em fishing

No luck.


Giving instruction...

Still no luck.

El did NOT like fishing.

I think I'll play instead.

"My bak-set!"


No water due to ear infection. :(

Wishing for water.

Nina came out to play!

El sleeping outside


She really likes playing in the dog's water bucket

Seriously dirty and snotty face. :)