Monday, May 30, 2011

The Half

Working out has been going really great. I started out on my own but was then a few weeks ago invited to join a group of girls in town who are training for a 5k, then on to a half marathon. We get together 3 days a week and we run according to a "Couch Potato to 5k in 9 weeks" plan. We've already been signed up as a team to run a 5k in Springfield July 16. I am really excited to do this and also really excited there are other girls my age into doing this.

Ryan and I have never really lived anywhere where I have had friends. In Chillicothe I had a few, but nothing really stable or very close to my age. I am over the top happy that there are other families at First Baptist who are on the same page as Ryan and I. Who are close in age, married, some with kids... I feel genuinely blessed to be at First (and in Mt Vernon...most of the girls in the running group go to other churches).
I get to take Emery for play dates with kids her age and in the meantime, get to hang out with their fabulous mommas!!

The point of this blog originally was to talk about how pumped I am to work up to running a half marathon. I kind of got derailed along the way, but that's okay because I really I am enjoying having friends in the place I live.
Side note: I am also thrilled about seeing some old friends this weekend. My BFF from high school, Megan, is getting married and I am going to be in town for her bachelorette party (wooo!!!) AND getting to see my other BFF Ashley and attend Megan's party together. I can't even tell you how much I love these two and the crazy ruckus that went on back in the day. Most of my favorite memories happen with these two.

(Remember that time I flushed the toilet in the 2nd bathroom at your house while your dad was in the shower (in the prettiest bathroom I've ever seen) and burned his face?! Ooops.)

(Or when we would laugh so hard we would race each other to the bathroom and that time we laughed so hard I had orange juice come out my nose all over your dining room table?)

So the point of this EXTREMELY random blog:
A. I'm going to be a running champ soon.
B. I'm glad to have friends in MV
C. I'm really excited to see my ole buds this weekend.
D. My sister's wedding shower is this weekend also. If you haven't RSVP-ed...shame.shame. :)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Stormy Weather

Last night we had the potential to have more storms. Severe thunderstorm warning, tornado watch. Since the tragedy of Joplin I just can't stop thinking about displaced , or hurt or killed children. My heart hurts so bad.

So last night when it started up again, I kept trying to keep myself occupied because I am my father's daughter and when I lay my head down, I am asleep. I was afraid I wouldn't hear the sirens. I laid in bed wishing I had a king size bed so I could bring Emery in to sleep with us. (Eladie is still in the pack-n-play in our room.)

I think I only felt that way because we are only 43 miles east of Joplin and the tornado hit so close to home this time. Tragedy never hits so close. But this time it did. We had debris in our yard from Joplin.

I had never thought of this until my parents mentioned it to me last night: "If the sirens go off and you go to your shelter, put Eladie in the body carrier and tie Emery to you."

Oh my goodness.

But the real-life, personal stories are so heart breaking.

Our church, First Baptist, had partnered up with Forest Park Baptist Church in Joplin. (Fun fact: We were the runner up for the Student Minister job there before we moved to Texas...) They are now a Red Cross Emergency Shelter and they have at least 20 church families whose homes were destroyed. Ryan has been to Joplin twice delivering water, diapers, baby blankets and on Friday he is delivering sandwiches that FBC is making to feed the people staying at the Forest Park.

Continue to keep the people of Joplin, the emergency workers and volunteers in your prayers. They desperately need it.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Random Updates

So I'm pretty sure that when you're trying to lose weight, that's when everything that you shouldn't eat sounds so incredibly delicious. Good news is, I'm doing decent at saying no to those delectables...except when it comes to Casey's pizza. Way too yummy. AND I've been walking/jogging everyday for 30-40 minutes. Totally. Doable.

Ryan is also feeling tons better. He had a sinus infection and an upper respiratory infection. He actually went to the doc (which means he REALLY felt bad) and got some meds and he can breathe again.

Eladie has a cold. Hopefully today was the worst of it. Her poor eyes are runny and her nose is stuffy which means we have to use the "nose sucker". She doesn't have a fever so that's good. I hope tomorrow she feels better. She just looks miserable.

Emery is just as spazzy as ever. Her and I went on a walk together yesterday then stopped by the park to swing. I think she enjoyed the Emery-Mommy time. I know I did. She is WAY into Jimmy Neutron right now. She calls it "Jimmy New-drunk" though and refuses to be corrected.
*Ryan just turned off "Jimmy New-drunk" and Emery asked to "watch dresses together?" Which means she wants to watch Say Yes to the Dress because we've been watching that show all together. How can you say no to that?!*

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Work it!

So I have to exercise. Not only because I have some extra baby weight, but more importantly, my bridesmaid dress for Becca's wedding is super tight. Good news is - it zips...I just can't breathe. :)
Therefore Tuesday I started my workout. I took my dog on my walk/jog and he is just as out of shape as I am! So this is only day 3, but I'm feeling positive.
44 days and 5-10lbs. Totally doable...

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


I really need to do something with this mop of hair on my head. I am in constant battle with my hair and I need to do something about it. I guess I'll start with dying it, because half the time I hate my hair, chop it off, then hate it more and decide I should have just dyed it instead of making chopping it.
I don't really want to do something to drastic at this point because I want to have a pretty updo for Becca's wedding in June and the other 2 bridesmaids have long hair and will for sure have pretty hair. And that's another do you pick a hairstyle?! I've only had my hair professionally done once and that was at my wedding and I really didn't like it. (At the time I wasn't outspoken enough to say anything about it).
Anyway, back to the original idea of this blog...
I'm taking suggestions. With pictures. Please. And thank you.